Help your customers make bookings with ease when they feel like it.
Get them on
MeTIME Wellness is an app built solely for the customers of our subscribers. It allows online booking, historical transaction viewing and soon; over-the-app purchases.
Online Booking
Easy booking over the app with preferred doctor selection
Your customer can now perform booking over the app by selecting their Preferred Outlet, Service, Date, Staff and Time.
Promotion View
Give customers a view of all running promotions in MeTIME Wellness
Your promotions will now be visible with all your customers. They would also be able to contact you if they are interested in purchasing them.
Transaction Authorisation Code
Secure your customers' redemptions through TAC
Reduce fraud with MeTIME Wellness. Using a TAC number, all customers' redemptions are secured. No more complaints on incorrect redemptions.
Booking Approval
Approve, Reject or Reschedule bookings
When customer performs a booking, their booking will be under "Pending Approval“ requiring you to Approve, Reject or Reschedule the request.
Account Overview
Track Historical Purchases with Ease
Give customers full control of their purchases, allowing them to view their historical purchases, balance credits and services from MeTIME Wellness.
How It Benefits Your Business
Exclusivity and increased loyalty with patients
Approve, Reject or Reschedule appointments
Advertise Promotions directly to the app
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kumoDoc is a full-suite software that offers coordinated appointment scheduling with patient WhatsApp notification, detailed medical inventory management, a telehealth […]
In today's rapidly evolving world and era of swift technological progress, traditional healthcare models have demonstrated their inefficiency, inaccessibility, and […]
Dalam dunia hari ini yang berkembang pesat beserta era kemajuan teknologi yang pantas, model penjagaan kesihatan tradisional telah menunjukkan beberapa […]
kumoDoc is a full-suite software that offers coordinated appointment scheduling with patient WhatsApp notification, detailed medical inventory management, a telehealth […]